Our mission

To empower the young diasporas—including refugees and immigrants—to find their identities and voices as peacemaking global citizens and contribute in creating a harmonious society, where diversity is celebrated and opportunity is fairly distributed.

Our core values


We acknowledge the fact that we are not only interconnected, but need each other. We respect and value everyone as same with equal rights. We strive to love and serve one another as my own body. We believe in the value of communication and try best to understand each other, even when it is difficult.


We strive to live at peace with everyone as much as possible, and when there is a conflict—at levels of personal, communal, national, and global—, we strive to transform it to create harmony.


We respect different thoughts and opinions. We agree to disagree. We investigate, think, and debate hard to arrive at a solution. We are ready to listen and learn in all circumstances.


We acknowledge the fact that we are all unique on our own. We do not eliminate, but celebrate and respect, diversity. We raise our voices as individuals and community to important issues.


We do not ignore but try our best to come up with solutions to issues that we recognize as problems. We try hard not to give up.